Why do you volunteer? What does volunteering mean to you?

"Today I was asked a very important questions, why do I volunteer and what does it mean to me? This had me thinking about many things in my life. Many people know I'm an open book about many hardship I have faced in my almost 32 years of life. However there are many other things I haven't shared. We are all born with certain deck of cards and we must do with them the best we can. Why do I volunteer? I volunteer because I know what it's like to be on the other end in many forms. I collect because I know what it's like to question if you are going to eat today, if you will get a Christmas gift, if you will have a roof over your head. I give back to help those in need. I give back to give support, to encourage, to assist, to overall be a change agent through involvement in my community. 

I am not a saint, however it's been engraved in me through my mother's upbringing, my cultures, my faith, my military training, and overall my profession and passion. Throughout my life I try to live a life of selfless service. To give without expectations in many ways.

So once again what does volunteering or giving mean to me? It means hope, opportunity, lightness in the dark, and overall Life. It's gives me a sense of self and happiness that cannot be put into words. Seeing those individuals, families and even children enjoying meals served by many of us today, gave me such a sense of happiness and pain all in one. 

So often, we take things for granted. the smallest of things and we forget our roots. I challenge everyone reading this: take a moment, may it be an hour, day, week etc every month in your life in the year 2016 and give without expecting. It could be the smallest gesture such as helping someone with bags, paying someone bus ride, sharing a meal or simply just Volunteering. After doing this, you will understand why I volunteer, why I give and overall those feelings that could never be put into words

Thank you Somo Monarks for giving me the opportunity to share my story and overall skill set and passion in helping those in need."

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